Links to Alexandria web resources
Some links about Alexandria

This page is very much under construction and contains just a few links for a future more extensive page. In fact, this page is not much more than a note book or a skeleton.

Please note that many texts about  classic Alexandria rely rather much on anecdotes and at least pages without literary references should be treated with some suspicion.

General ISIS Sveriges Egyptologiska Förening Medelhavsmuseet Svensk - Egyptiska Föreningen

House of Ptolemy, has many links to Hellenistic Alexandria. An excellent collection of links
The Alexandria History Guide, also has information for history interested visitors
Hellenic Alexandria, by the EKA the Hellenic Community of Alexandria
Mapping Alexanders Royal Quarters, also gives many links to archeological investigations

Friends of Alexandria

The official listing, by UNESCO
Friends of Alexandria in Sweden

The library
The official homepage for the new library
The Decline of the Library and Museum of Alexandria by Ellen Brundige  1991
Alexandrian scholarship - The Legend of the Library by Ellen Brundige 1996 (?)
Alexandrian Scholarship by Ellen Brundige Dec. 1995
Snohetta, the architects of the new library
A collection of links to pages to the library

The lighthouse
The Pharos of Alexandria by Colin Clement
An extensive collection of links

General archology
Recent excavations The Centre for Alexandrian Studies)
Egypt Archological Sites, from the University of Chicago

About ancient Egypt in general
Egyptology Resources, a page from Cambridge University

Some wellknown Alexandrians
Alexander the Great, by xxxx
Cleopatra, den sista regenten i hellenistiska Alexandria
Hypatia 370 - 415, the first(?) female mathematican

Tourist information
Ministry of tourism
Alexandria University